Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP) is a national, nonprofit, nonpartisan, educational, community based organization founded in 1982 by a cross section of Asian Pacific American Leaders. From its inception, LEAP has developed, strengthened, and expanded the leadership roles played by Asian Pacifics in all sectors of American society.

With ambitious enterprise and purpose, LEAP fills a vital need for leadership development in the Asian Pacific Americans community. LEAP is uniquely positioned to help Asian Pacific Americans address their needs and opportunities.


Develop Asian Pacific Americans leadership in the private, public and community sectors.

Develop the skills and resources of Asian Pacific American communities into increase both individual and organizational effectiveness.

Increase public understanding of Asian Pacific concerns and their impact on policy formulation and decision-making at local, regional and national levels.

Improve cross-cultural and inter-ethnic collaboration and interaction.


LEAP's mission is to achieve full participation and equality for Asian Pacific Americans through leadership, empowerment, and policy.


327 East Second Street, Suite 226
Los Angeles, CA 90012
tel: 213-485-1422 * fax: 213-485-0050
e-mail: LEAP900120@aol.com


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