List your business with Little Saigon Net
Little Saigon Net provides opportunities for businesses and institutions to market and sell their services on this Web for very little money. Please compare Little Saigon Net advertising rates per month for a full page with the high advertising costs in magazines.
Little Saigon Net Advertising Rates
| Service Type | Rate/Month | Setup Cost | Min.Subscription Period
Option1: Standard Business Listing**
Business Listing | $6.00 | | 1 Year
Business Listing & up to 50 words of text | $15.00 | $25.00 | 1 Year
Business Listing, text only, 1 full page | $60.00 | $30.00 | 1Year
Option1: Display Business Listing***
1/4 page (1 graphic plus text) | $75.00 | $30.00 | 1 Year
1/2 page (1-2 graphics plus text) | $120.00 | $60.00 | 6 Month ($720.00)
1 page (1-4 graphics plus text) | $240.00 | $120.00 | 3 Month ($720.00)
1 Auto-Response Sheet | $120.00 | $40.00 | 3 Month ($360.00)
Discount for multiple pages
** Standard Business Listing includes: business name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail
*** Display Business Listing: 1 page = 8 1/2" x 11"
Note: Setup is a " o n e - t i m e " charge only.
Services Provided
Display of subscription package (image(s) and/or text) on Internet
Maintenance of image(s) and/or text) during subscription period
Promoting your business on the Internet (Web)
Optional Features
Order Blank Form $40/mo, plus FAX expenses, if required
Hot-link to existing homepages on other servers $75/mo.
Domain name $100
Multi-language pages: ( German, Spanish, Vietnamese)
Design of Home Pages and Web Pages by highly qualified and experienced design professionals
- email:
- Phone (714) 964-8504
- P.O. Box 7504, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92615-7504