Neáu baïn bò muïn, baïn khoâng phaûi bò ñôn ñoäc, vì 80% cuûa daân soá ôû nöôùc Myõ seõ bò muïn khoâng ít thì nhieàu trong khoaûng thôøi gian töø 12 ñeán 25 tuoåi.
Loå chaân loâng treân da maët vaø da coå coù moät loaïi teá baøo ñaëc bieät taïo thaønh tuyeán chaát nhôøn. Chaát nhôøn naøy giöû cho nöôùc khoûi bay hôi vaø giöû cho da khoûi bò khoâ caèn.
Khi con ngöôøi ta ñang phaùt trieån ñeán tuoåi tröôûng thaønh (troå maû), coù moät soá chaát hormones kích thích nhöõng tuyeán chaát nhôøn laøm cho nhöõng tuyeán naøy lôùn hôn vaø laøm vieäc nhieàu hôn. Do ñoù nhöõng chaát nhôøn saûn xuaát dö laøm ngheït caùc loå chaân loâng. Coäng theâm vaøo ñoù, vi truøng soáng ngoaøi da vaø trong loå chaân loâng bò ngheït gaây neân nhieåm truøng vaø trôû thaønh muïn.
Di truyeàn laø moät yeáu toá quan troïng quyeát ñònh ai seõ coù muïn, ai khoâng coù, vaø ñöông nhieân vieäc naøy chuùng ta khoâng theå thay ñoåi ñöôïc. Coù moät soá yeáu toá khaùc khoâng lieân quan ñeán di truyeàn chaúng haïn nhö khí haäu (ñaëc bieät laø khí haäu aåm öôùt vaø noùng), thaàn kinh/theå xaùc caêng thaúng, vaø söï thay ñoåi cuûa caùc chaát hormones lieân quan ñeán kinh nguyeät haøng thaùng cuûa phaùi nöû. Moät soá thuoác men cuûng coù laøm ngöôøi ta ra muïn.
Noùi veà thöùc aên, khoa hoïc chöa coù chöùng minh ñöôïc cuï theå raèng thöùc aên coù theå laøm muïn moïc ra. Nhöng neáu baïn caûm thaáy moät loaïi thöùc aên naøo ñoù laøm muïn moïc ra theâm, thì khoâng neân duøng loaïi thöùc aên ñoù nöõa !
Ña soá caùc tröôøng hôïp muïn thöôøng hay bie: laø moät loaïi thuoác môùi caàn toa baùc só taùc duïng gioáng nhö thuoác benzoyl peroxide nhöng maïnh hôn, neân coù gaây ra nhieàu khoù chòu ngoaøi da. Beänh nhaân duøng thuoác naøy neân traùnh ra naéng vaø ñeøn cöïc tím. Thôøi tieát laïnh vaø gioù cuõng coù theå laøm taêng theâm söï nhaäy caûm ñoái vôùi thuoác naøy.
4. Thuoác truï sinh: nhö tetracycline, clindamycin, vaøcaàn toa baùc só, vaø coù theå baøo cheá trong hai daïng thuoác uoáng hoaëc thuoác boâi ngoaøi da.
5. Isotretinoin: loaïi thuoác caàn toa baùc só naøy raát laø coâng duïng trong vieäc chöõa trò muïn loaïi naëng. Nhöng beân caïnh nhöõng haäu quaû baát lôïi thoâng thöôøng nhö khoâ da, moâi & mieäng, ñau nhöùc & teâ cöùng mình maåy, vaø ñoû maét; loaïi thuoác naøy coù theå gaây ra baát bình thöôøng cho em beù trong buïng ngöôøi meï, do ñoù thuoác naøy tuyeät ñoái khoâng ñöôïc duøng cho phuï nöû coù thai, ñang chuaån bò ñeå coù thai, hoaëc nghi ngôø ñang coù thai.
Noùi chung, neáu baïn coù moät laøn da ñeå bò muïn, xin haûy nhôù nhöõng ñieàu caên baûn sau ñaây:
Þ Röõa maët hai hoaëc ba laàn moät ngaøy baèng xaø boâng röõa maët nheï vaø nöôùc. Nhöng phaûi laøm nheï nhaøng, khoâng neân chaø maët quaù maïnh vì noù coù theå laøm bò nhieàu muïn hôn. Chæ neân laøm khoâ da maët baèng caùch chaäm, khoâng neân lau.
Þ Traùnh duøng myõ phaåm ñöôïc troän vôùi chaát môû, chæ neân duøng neáu myõ phaåm ñöôïc hoaø tan vôùi nöôùc.
Þ Khoâng ñöôïc chaø hoaëc naën muïn. Traùnh maët nhöõng ñoà coù theå chaø ñuïng leân da maët.
Þ Baát kyø baïn duøng thuoác trò muïn naøo, neân nhôù boâi hoaëc uoáng nhieàu hôn chæ daån cuûa baùc só seõ khoâng laøm heát muïn sôùm hôn. Vaø röõa maët tröôùc khi boâi thuoác.
Baùc só Ñaøo Minh Höng Michael
People with acne at least aren't alone in their suffering: about 80% of the population will face the problem between the ages of 12-25.
In the area of the face and neck, skin pores serve as openings to specialized clusters of cells called sebaceous glands. These glands secrete a waxy substance known as sebum, some of which is needed to help keep the skin from losing too much water and drying out.
As people reach puberty, certain hormones in their bodies cause these glands to grow in size and become too active. The surplus sebum they produce clogs the pores. When mixed with the bacteria normally found on the skin and in the glands, this waxy debris can "flare up", causing a pimple.
Heredity plays a significant role in determining who will have problem skin- and this, of course, is something you can't control.
Other factors that aren't tied to bloodiness include climate (particularly the hot and humid climate), stress, and the hormonal changes associated with menstruation. A number of drugs are also known to bring on attacks of acne.
Where diet is concerned, there is no scientific proof that certain foods have any impact. However, if you notice that some of the things you eat seem to make the condition worse, it makes sense to avoid them and get your nutrition from alternatives.
Though most cases of acne tend to clear up eventually on their own, it is estimated that 350,000 Americans seek medical treatment of the disorder each year. The common goal of therapy is to prevent scarring and minimize further outbreaks. General measures are aimed at keeping the skin clean and allowing the pores to drain.
Good hygiene helps a lot to control mild cases of acne, but effective treatment of more severe cases may call for stronger measures.
1. Benzoyl peroxide: this is the active ingredient of many popular nonprescription products. In addition to killing bacteria and reducing fatty acids on the skin, they also cause a fine peeling of the skin, thus reducing blemishes.
2. Sulphur products: are antibacterial medications available in many dosage forms without prescription.
3. Tretinoin: is a new prescription medication that works like benzoyl peroxide, but is stronger and may cause more irritation to the skin. Patients using tretinoin should avoid excessive sunlight and ultraviolet lamps. Cold weather and wind may also increasesensitivity to the medication.
4. Antibiotics: such as tetracycline, clindamycin, and erythromycin are sometimes used to treat moderate to severe acne. They are available on prescription in either oral or topical forms.
5. Isotretinoin: use of this prescription product can dramatically improve severe acne, but side effects are common: dry skin and mouth, stiffness and soreness, and conjunctivitis among them. Because it has been linked to birth defects, it should never be used by women who are or plan soon to become pregnant.
In general, if you have an acne prone skin, you should remember the follwing:
Þ Wash your face two or three times daily with soap and water. But be gentle about it-vigorous scrubbing can make the condition worse. And it's better to blot dry than wipe.
Þ Avoid the use of oily and greasy cosmetics. If you're going to wear makeup, make sure it's water based.
Þ Don't rub or pick at the skin. And avoid wearing clothing-for example, chin straps and headbands-that has tendency to rub against the skin.
Þ Whichever acne treatment you use, it is important to remember that more is not necessarily faster or better. And, of course, always carefully wash the skin prior to applying any medication.
Michael M. Dao, M.D.
Duøng thuoác röõa mieäng, nhai keïo "chewing gum", hoaëc ngaäm keïo thôm ñeå "ñieàu trò" mieäng hoâi gioáng nhö duøng nöôùc hoa ñeå che ñaäy muøi hoâi cuûa cô theå. Noù khoâng theå giaûi quyeát ñöôïc vaán ñeà daøi haïn.
Coù nhieàu nguyeân nhaân laøm mieäng hoâi nhö nhieåm truøng xoan muõi, lôû loeùt bao töû, hoaëc ôï chua; moät nguyeân nhaân chính khaùc laøm mieäng hoâi laø beänh raêng vaø lôïi.
Neáu quí vò cho pheùp vi truøng naåy nôû trong mieäng, quí vò seõ bò hoâi mieäng vì vi truøng laøm thöùc aên coøn xoùt laïi trong mieäng thoái röûa gioáng nhö vi truøng laøm thoái thöùc aên ñeå ngoaøi tuû laïnh laâu ngaøy.
Thoâng thöôøng ngöôøi ta khoâng bieát mình bò mieäng hoâi ñeán khi baïn beø ngöôøi thaân noùi cho bieát. Ñeå traùnh ngöôøi khaùc cheâ mình bò hoâi mieäng, quí vò neân laøm nhöõng ñieàu sau ñaây ñeå giuùp hôi thôû thôm tho vaø giöû raêng toát:
*Ñaùnh raêng vaø xóa baèng chæ xóa raêng (dental floss) sau moåi böõa aên. Chaø raêng vaøi phuùt, vaø chaø caû löôûi nöõa.
*Duøng kem ñaùnh raêng coù chaát 'baking soda', vì chaát naøy laøm vi truøng khoù soáng trong moâi tröôøng kieàm.
*Neáu quí vò coù raêng giaû, neân ngaâm vaø röûa haøng ngaøy. Suùc mieäng thaät kyû tröôùc khi boû raêng giaû vaøo.
*Neáu quí vò bò lôû mieäng, hoaëc nhieãm truøng trong mieäng, neân suùc mieäng baèng nöôùc coù chaát thuoác saùt truøng.
*Neân ñi gaëp nha só ñeå khaùm raêng moåi naêm.
Ngoaøi vieäc giöû gìn mieäng saïch seõ, coøn vaøi caùch khaùc quí vò coù theå laøm ñeå bôùt hoâi mieäng:
*Traùnh huùt thuoác laù; aên saùng; uoáng nöôùc laïnh thay vì caø-feâ, traø, nöôùc ngoït, hoaëc bia/röôïu; traùnh aên haønh toûi; neân aên caùc thöùc aên coù khaû naêng choáng laïi söï ñoùng voâi treân raêng (plaque) nhö caø roát, ñaäu phuïng, celery; uoáng nöôùc laïnh vaø suùc mieäng sau khi aên; vaø traùnh ñeå mieäng khoâ.
Noùi toùm laïi, neáu quí vò laøm theo nhöõng ñieàu vieát treân maø vaån coøn bò hoâi mieäng, thì neân ñeán gaëp baùc só vaø nha só ñeå khaùm laïi.
Baùc só Nguyeãn H. Huøng vaø Baùc só Ñaøo M. Höng
Using mouthwash, gum, or mint candies to 'treat' bad breath is like using perfume to cover up body odor. They won't solve the problem, at least not for long.
There are many causes of bad breath, including sinus infections, and stomach ulcers. Another major source of bad breath is the teeth & gums.
If you let bacteria build up in your mouth, you'll get bad breath as the bacteria rot leftover foof particles like they rot leftover foods in your garbage can.
Unfortunately, most people don't realize they have bad breath unless friends/relatives clue them in. Instead of waiting for the word, here are some precautions that will be good for your teeth as well as you breath:
*Brush and floss after every meal. Brush your teeth for several minutes. Brush the top of your tongue too.
*Using toothpaste with baking soda. It makes the acid level in your mouth less hospitable to bacteria.
*If you have dentures, clean them well every day and rinse your mouth thoroungly before re-inserting them.
*If you have an infection or ulcer in or on your mouth, gums,tongue, rinse out your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash for a few days.
*Have a dental checkup at least once a year.
In addition to a clean mouth, there are several ways you can lessen bad breath:
*Stop smoking; eat breakfast; quench your thirst with water instead of coffee, tea, soft drinks, or alcohol, which can leave a residue in your mouth, causing bad breath; finish each meal with a drink of water or by rinsing your mouth; avoid garlic & onions; eat plaque-fighting foods such as carrots, peanuts, low-fat cheese, and celery, these foods not only fight plaque but possibly mouth odors as well; and avoid dryness in the mouth.
If you still have bad breath after following above instructions, it's time to see a doctor &/or dentist.
Hung H. Nguyen, M.D. & Michael M. Dao, M.D.